Ok. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am no fan of certain Anons. I feel like the movement has lost its way and now will go in any direction that has the word Op in front of it. Truthfully, I think a lot of the current “legion” are dumbasses, manipulators, or kids with no clue what they are getting into. OpCartel, however, is quite different than DDoS attacks or dumping a bunch of peoples personal data to make a point.

Anons you are declaring war on a group that you do not understand. Los Zetas are comprised of ex-soldiers with extenstive paramilitary training. Many of them were trained by the U.S. military. The F.B.I. has rules. The United States justice system is humane. You will never come home to find that U.S. law enforcement has beheaded your mother and father after cutting out your 8 year old sisters tongue and leaving her to bleed out on the floor.

I understand you feel powerful. I understand you feel prepared. I understand that you think you can make a difference. You are mistaken. They will not target those involved. They will target every one of you, everyone you know and everyone you love. They do not need to find those that “participated”. They will pile up the bodies of everyone who they can find who has ever even claimed to be associated with Anonymous. They don’t even have to be right. Because you are anonymous, how will you know if the people they start to slaughter in every internet cafe are your members or not? They don’t care about killing the innocent. They do it every day. The question is: Can you live with it? Unfortunately, we are going to find out.

You cannot hold this group hostage with information. They are not dependant on it like what you are used to. So you out their contacts, sympathizers, and whoever else you can. Half of those people are only involved because they, and their families, would be dead if they didn’t. Do you really think the taxi driver is living like a king, or waking up every day terrified for their families lives.

I understand that you want to use your skills to help your brother. That is both admirable and commendable, and I feel for your cause in that respect. However it will only make a bad situation worse. The first thing they will do is kill every one of the people they took from that site and make their bodies as public as possible. Can you live with that? If they wipe out some poor Anons family, will you still feel powerful? You shouldn’t. It’s called murder by proxy. Once you have no more information to dump, and they’re still standing, do you think it will be over or just beginning? Are you sure you are prepared for the long haul? These people are in the business of killing people and now so are you. Are you prepared for that? People will die violently because of OpCartel, and it is too late to stop that now. Just the threat is enough that they cannot afford to show weakness. Is that really what you signed up for when you took on the Anonymous mantle? Is this the difference you really want to make? You will hack and you will dox. These people will hack you up and put you in a box.

OpClorox is too little too late, and Anons should know that better than anyone. You can’t scrub it all. Every one of you already know that.

The only thing left to do here is learn. Stop letting the few endanger the collective as a whole. People like those who are advocating this insanity are not the ones you need pulling your strings. They are fucking idiots. You have your people openly deployed around the world involved in protests and now a target has been painted on every one of their backs. Please tell me someone thought of that. Please tell me that someone is out there right now collecting all the Guy Fawkes masks in New York, and all the other places you are so proud to be. I kept my mouth shut about Occupy Wall Street because protesting is your right and it didn’t put anyone in danger. That said, if you’re still out in the streets, you may want to go home. That is unless you you don’t believe that the Los Zetas can get to you, out in the open, wearing your mask, in the middle of New York City. Pray that the government you are out there protesting can protect you.

Just know, as you are out there (in way over your head), that all those law enforcement officers who you declared war on not too long ago, have been up for days trying to prevent your wholesale slaughter. Next time, you may probably want to send the brave men and women in Arizona a thank you note. They’re the ones trying to save your dumb asses.

Good luck. You’ll need it.


Look at how this is playing out. Mexican Anons want NOTHING to do with this. Do the manipulators care? No. They think they’re safely tucked away, and are going to let their Mexican brothers take the heat under the guise of trying to help them. This isn’t about helping anyone. This is about control.

This has been talked about since the old days. This isn’t new. Are you a personal army or not? Are you leaderless or not? Are you a group of like minded individuals or someone’s bitch?

You know how to stop this. Start with Sabu. Are you “past the point of no return” or “At War” with the fucking Los Zeta cartel? He is making those choices for you.

Dox his ass. So far you’ve sat by and let him take over. So far you’ve watched while he brought heat from the suits. Now he’s endangering your own people and nobody seems to have the stones to do anything about it. Put HIS ass on the line and he’ll shut up right quick. He has no problem putting yours on the line and his little teenage minions are just going to keep going. Cut the head of of the snake. He is a cancer among your ranks. He is using you. Do you really want a guy who is still worried about promoting his little buddies bands leading you into a war with the FUCKING CARTEL? Start there. If he promotes it, tweets it, or runs his unending mouth about it, dump everything you can find on it. He thinks he’s an expert on information but Qiao Liang he is not. If you, Anonymous, out @AnonymouSabu you will have taken the first step in making Anonymous a collective again. If you don’t he will continue to volunteer you as his own personal army. Without you to support him, he is nothing. Impede his ability to manipulate you, endanger his interests and identity and THEN and only then will you have a chance to stop opCartel. The quicker this is over, the less people will suffer because of it. The Cartel doesn’t care if you want to cancel. They have been publicly threatened and that will demand a response. They are already tracking you. Sabu thinks he’s safe. Are you? Are you untracable? They want to send a message. Let them send it to the right person. You put it out there and someone will make sure it finds its way into the open.

It won’t be over with Sabu. There are a few others. It will be just beginning. But that will be a fight you’re used to, one you understand, and one you can win. That will be a fight for the anonymity of Anonymous and the battlefield will be the IRC channels, public opinion, momentum, and information. Not the streets, people with their heads cut off, kidnappings, and innocent casualties.

The reclaiming of Anonymous must come from within. Stop the infection that is spreading through your ranks. Your system has a virus. Take care of it before it can do the type of damage that can never be undone.

Out @AnonymouSabu.